Thursday, April 12, 2007

Satya Magazine

I just learned that Satya Magazine is not going to be published anymore. I read my first issue this year and was considering subscribing. How sad - it's been around for 13 years. Does anybody know of a magazine similar to Satya in content?


Blogger said...

thanks for telling me that. I did not know. I just started subscribing last year and found it to be an enlightening magazine. I do not know of anything else quite like it, but I will say that the articles that are beginning to appear in the mainstream press from time to time come close to Satya's calibre. You're right, though, this is sad, but I am confident that it speaks to the gathering strength of the animal rights movement rather than the reverse. There are many more orgnizations out there competing for the dollars people have to devote to this cause. Thanks for alerting me to this. I might want to get as many back copies as I can.


Aspiring Bodhisattva said...

I hope creators of Satya would continue publishing new articles online. It is less expensive than print magazine and they do not have to stick to monthly schedule. I'll suggest it on their message boards.

Blogger said...

I will suggest the same. In the meantime, the vacuum will be filled in somehow. I am sure of that. What I will miss, though, is their quiet presence at animal rights conferences. They were at all those I attended in recent years. They were like a permanent flame, providing light to an unenlightened world.

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