Glad to see you're still posting. If you recall, you commented on the posting I had out up about Duke in April. I never found out what happened to Duke. Denise never answwered my e-mails so I assume he was put to death. Since then I have worked many, many hours on trying to save other dogs on death row. One, Sidney, we got off in DC; another, Congo, is now on death row in NJ waiting his appeal. Another, Lucy, was just put to death in Sunnyvale California four days before Christmas after five months on death row while her appeals were in process and her owners were denied their request to be with her when she was killed. From now on, the PEACE in any Christmas message for me shall mean, "Put an End to Animal Cruelty and Exploitation." Our governments are just as guilty as anyone else.
Hi blogger, I happened to visit your page on the day you posted about the outcome of Lucy's case. I sincerely share your sorrow and determination. I agree that the US is far from perfect when it comes to animals and when it comes to humans (poverty, education, health insurance coverage, living standards and values).
Thanks. It is obvious you do from your postings. I wish I had 60 hours a day so I could work on all the issues, but I don't, so I stay with animals who need a voice. But as you know, it is all connected. Go visit my blog now and look at the Christmas Mourning posting (first one) to see what happened just four blocks from me on Christmas eve. A police officer shot and killed a puppy boxer in a dog park saying it was "attacking" him. Last year, the same thing happened 6 blocks from me. The year before, 10 blocks, the same distance the White House is from me. All of this gives new meaning to "Peace on Earth" I set up a blog to deal with this issue alone ( This is the way change happens. Minds will change in time, I am convinced, but only if we keep sounding the "bugle," which you ar doing too. Keep it up. People are hearing it.
Glad to see you're still posting. If you recall, you commented on the posting I had out up about Duke in April. I never found out what happened to Duke. Denise never answwered my e-mails so I assume he was put to death. Since then I have worked many, many hours on trying to save other dogs on death row. One, Sidney, we got off in DC; another, Congo, is now on death row in NJ waiting his appeal. Another, Lucy, was just put to death in Sunnyvale California four days before Christmas after five months on death row while her appeals were in process and her owners were denied their request to be with her when she was killed. From now on, the PEACE in any Christmas message for me shall mean, "Put an End to Animal Cruelty and Exploitation." Our governments are just as guilty as anyone else.
Hi blogger,
I happened to visit your page on the day you posted about the outcome of Lucy's case. I sincerely share your sorrow and determination. I agree that the US is far from perfect when it comes to animals and when it comes to humans (poverty, education, health insurance coverage, living standards and values).
Thanks. It is obvious you do from your postings. I wish I had 60 hours a day so I could work on all the issues, but I don't, so I stay with animals who need a voice. But as you know, it is all connected. Go visit my blog now and look at the Christmas Mourning posting (first one) to see what happened just four blocks from me on Christmas eve. A police officer shot and killed a puppy boxer in a dog park saying it was "attacking" him. Last year, the same thing happened 6 blocks from me. The year before, 10 blocks, the same distance the White House is from me. All of this gives new meaning to "Peace on Earth" I set up a blog to deal with this issue alone ( This is the way change happens. Minds will change in time, I am convinced, but only if we keep sounding the "bugle," which you ar doing too. Keep it up. People are hearing it.
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