Friday, April 18, 2008

Mars Candy

"If you love candy and animals, then you'll want to avoid buying M&Ms, Snickers, Three Musketeers, Twix, Dove, Starburst, Skittles and other confections made by Mars, Inc., which kills animals to test its treats.

Even though none of the experiments funded by Mars are required by law and the research could be done better using human subjects, the company continues to fund deadly animal experiments on countless animals, such as:

- Force-feeding chocolate to rats by shoving plastic tubes down their throats, cutting open their legs to expose an artery and clamping it shut to stop blood flow, then killing them.

- Feeding mice chocolate phytochemicals, then throwing them in pool of water mixed with white paint in which they had to find a hidden platform to avoid drowning, then killing and dissecting them afterwards.

- Feeding cocoa to rats and anesthetizing them with carbon dioxide, then collecting their blood by injecting a needle directly into their hearts, which can cause internal bleeding and other fatal complications."

Please attend a protest on April 26th in NYC and contact Mars Inc.

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