Saturday, March 31, 2007

Good News!

I was excited to see this in the latest issue of Time magazine.

I recently volunteered for local MEATOUT event promoting vegetarianism. One of the subjects addressed was the relationship between meat production and its influence on the environment. Village Voice wrote about our event in their VOICE CHOICE section and this is what they said:

"If you ever wondered what eating meat has to do with destroying the Earth, first think of the thousands of dairy cows, each producing 120 pounds of manure per day, and then imagine all their waste (containing toxic ammonia) contaminating river waters and stream ecosystems and killing already unpopulated fish. This is just one of many reasons to go vegan that you will hear at the Great American Meatout talk..."

In related news:

"The University of Rochester found men whose mothers ate a lot of beef during pregnancy had lower sperm counts.

The Human Reproduction study found they were three times more likely to have a sperm count so low they could be classified as sub-fertile."

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